Saturday, September 7, 2024

How Many Mishaps Can You Have In One Idaho Bike Trip?

Post by Corrine

Don’t vomit, don’t vomit, don’t vomit.

I told myself that as I was just a tenth of a mile from the top of the climb and end of the race. 

I had been feeling lightheaded and nauseated for the last mile, but I was so close to the finish. I dry heaved as I biked around the last corner, but as I approached then crossed the finish line, I managed a big smile while the volunteers and other racers cheered me on. 

Then I went off to the side and dry heaved a few more times. That’s not how I planned to finish the race. In fact, the whole race didn’t go as planned. The altitude affected me much more than I thought it would, slowing me down and making me feel ill. But at least I finished.

I finished!  But now to head down before I feel worse from the altitude!

It wasn’t the first time things didn’t go as planned on our trip to Idaho, where I competed in Rebecca’s Private Idaho stage race. And it wouldn’t be the last. 

Rebecca’s Private Idaho

Selfie with Rebecca Rusch, the Queen of Pain

Rebecca Rusch, the Queen of Pain, is an endurance athlete who promotes getting people to exercise outside. Twelve years ago, she started Rebecca’s Private Idaho (RPI), a bike race showcasing gravel riding around her hometown of Ketchum, while raising money for her Be Good Foundation. The race occurs over Labor Day weekend. RPI started as a one-day race/ride of varying distances but has grown into being a 4-day, 3-stage bike race along with plenty of other fun activities. Around 1,000 bikers showed up this year to do some or all the stages.

Start of this year's Baked Potato 100-mile race

I’d been interested in doing this race for a long time, and this year the timing worked out. I could use the RPI as a big training block for my upcoming Arkansas High Country Race and have fun riding in a new place. Eric isn’t interested in long gravel rides but was excited to mountain bike in a new area. And our friends, Barb and Tom, have a second home in Hailey which is only 10 miles away from Ketchum. They already had a bike adventure in another state planned during that time, but they were happy to let us stay at their place.

Day One: The Long Short Ride

On our first full day in Hailey, things didn’t quite go as planned. After Eric put my bike together, I couldn’t get into about half of my gears although the shifter seemed to be working fine. And I had no brakes. Even after several minutes of riding and pumping the brakes, they still didn’t work right. Luckily, I found a bike shop just a quarter mile from the house. And The Trailhead Bicycles was awesome! One of the owners, Andy, immediately looked at my bike, adjusted the cables, and bled my brakes. Less than 30 minutes later I was on my way. Disaster averted. Hopefully, the rest of the day would go smoothly. 

Andy from Trailhead Bicycles works on my bike

I wanted to do a little 10- to 15-mile shake-out ride before racing started the next morning. Eric, meanwhile, wanted to try some mountain bike trails just a few miles from the house. We biked out together to the trailhead, but I didn’t want to do anything taxing so decided not to do the single track with him. I thought about doing a boring out-and-back, but Eric showed me a smallish gravel lollypop loop on his Trail Forks app that I could do. Since I don’t have the app, I memorized the names of the roads. 

Eric and I bike out together

Well, I missed a turn. I kept thinking it was coming but eventually I thought I had gone too far. I checked Google Maps and, yes, I had somehow missed the turn. And I was quite a bit further south than I should have been. I could have turned around, but the way I had come was hilly and mostly gravel. I thought it would be quicker to bike south to Highway 20 then ride mostly flat pavement back. When I got good cell service, I might be able to call Eric for a ride.

Biking home via the highway

But when I called Eric, he was at the far end of the trail system, so I ended up biking back to the house. Instead of a 10- to 15-mile easy ride, I did a 35-mile ride! Whoops! That wasn’t what I had planned. I hoped it wouldn’t affect my legs too much for racing the next day. (In my defense, Tom said he made the same mistake the first time he tried that same loop!)

Day One: Broken Brakes

But our mishaps for the day weren’t over! When Eric was at the far end of the trail system, he realized his brakes were not releasing fully. He couldn’t figure out a fix, so he rode with them partially engaged. It wasn’t too bad on the descents, but it made the climbing harder. 

Back to the bike shop!

After we got home, Eric took his bike to The Trailhead Bicycles. Andy immediately recognized the problem as a known design flaw in the brake handle. He recommended new brakes and said they could replace them the next morning while I was at the race. Eric agreed. He had a lot of volunteer work to get done the next morning anyway. Another disaster averted. Thanks Trailhead!

Smoke Gets in Our Eyes

The unexpected 35-mile bike ride was not detrimental to my racing.

While things on the fire front were calm in Hailey and Ketchum, 60 miles north, near Stanley, wildfires were raging. Winds had been blowing the smoke in other directions, but right after we got there the winds started coming from the north. Wednesday, the day before the first race, the air quality in Hailey was pretty good, but just 10 miles north in Ketchum the air quality was a lot worse. The RPI directors had said if the air quality index (AQI) was over 175 on race day, that day’s race would be cancelled. Wednesday evening it was around 200. And the race, a 36-mile race on double- and single-track, headed north of Ketchum to where the smoke was even worse.

Early Thursday morning I checked and – Holy Cow! – the AQI in Ketchum was above 400 (considered hazardous for your health) and worse further north. An email confirmed that the first race had been cancelled. Definitely the right decision. The air quality was bad in Hailey, too. A good day to stay inside and read a book. 

The AQI moderated to just below 200 by evening, so Eric and I biked the easy, paved 12 miles from Hailey to Ketchum to a social barbecue put on by RPI. Other racers were also disappointed about the cancellation but agreed that safety came first. I went to bed feeling that Friday’s race would likely be cancelled, too.

Meeting other racers at the barbecue

Friday – Stage 2 is a Go!

Friday morning the AQI was right around 150-175. Rebecca made a last-minute decision that the race would go on. The air quality was improving, and it was better in the direction of the race, west up into the mountains. Still, I think many people decided against racing as only 70 people completed this stage. This race, stage 2, included a 20-mile relaxed ride to the start of the race, a 4.5-mile hill climb up Dollar Hide Pass, then 25 miles back. A longish 50-mile day, but only 4.5 miles of racing. 

The morning was cold at the start but warmed up as soon as the sun rose over the mountains. It was fun to ride the 20 miles out of town with others, but I was already feeling the elevation and knew I wouldn’t be able to push much harder during the race.

I made some new friends on the ride, including Colleen, a 46-year-old from Salt Lake City. She used to do Ironman triathlons but got out of shape during Covid. She has been getting back into shape and was now doing gravel races. This was her first time at RPI, too. 

Colleen and I at the end of the race

At 20 miles and 7100 feet elevation, we lined up again for the interval-start hill climb. We left at 30-second intervals. I immediately felt the altitude. I had no power and had to slow down not to redline. I got passed by many riders who started behind me, but there was nothing I could do. I barely had enough breath to say “good job” when they passed me. Fortunately, the air quality was better, and the climb up the canyon was pretty. The last mile I started feeling a little lightheaded and nauseated. And then a tenth of a mile from the last turn I started to gag and told myself “Don’t vomit!”

Lining up for the 4.5-mile interval start hill climb

Not feeling so good 1/2 mile from the top of the climb

Fortunately, I didn’t throw up although I did dry heave several times (mainly because my stomach was empty). And while I wanted to share in the success of the climb with the other finishers, I still felt lightheaded so decided it would be best to head down to a lower elevation. I immediately felt better as I descended and cheered on the few stragglers still coming up. Colleen and I met up on the way down and we rode back together, stopping for a soak in Frenchmen’s Bend Hot Springs, a fun addition to this stage. Many other riders had the same idea. We relaxed in the hot springs and talked about our race before riding the last 10 miles back to Ketchum.

Many bikers stopped to soak in the hot springs

So fun to soak in the hot springs and dunk in the cold creek, too.

In the race, I finished last out of 18 women. I’m usually a pretty good climber, but the altitude really affected me. I reminded myself that I was there mainly for training and to see new scenery. So, despite the altitude kicking my butt, it was a successful day!

More Bike Issues

Saturday was a rest day. Eric went out for a morning mountain bike ride on some more awesome nearby trails, then we headed back to Ketchum for the RPI bike expo and the Wagon Days Parade. We parked a couple of miles out of town to avoid the traffic congestion and biked to the festivities. However, I noticed that my right shifter was getting extremely difficult to push. What the heck? I’ve never had so many problems with my shifting. I had the final 100-mile Baked Potato stage the next day and I really wanted to do that race. 

So instead of watching the parade, Eric and I headed back to Hailey and to Trailhead. For the third time! Andy looked surprised to see me again. I explained the situation. Although it was 1:30 PM on Saturday and they closed at 4, he said they would look at my bike and see if they could figure it out. He really wanted to give me the chance to do the final stage. 

Andy shows me where the cable rubs against part of the frame

He thought the problem was with the bike’s design. It is an older bike with one of the first internal cable routings and not all the cable had housing. Over time dirt collects where the cable runs directly against the frame, creating friction. Andy did what he could to clean out that area and get the bike working. Thank you, Andy, and your team at Trailhead. You guys are the best!

The Baked Potato – A Tad Underbaked

Sunday morning arrived cold, but with good air quality and my bike was shifting adequately. I was ready for the 102-mile Baked Potato race, which has several time cutoffs. The cutoffs are a little tight for back-of-the-pack racers like me, but I thought I could make it. Eric dropped me off and then headed out for some mountain biking after my race started.

I was slow but steady on the 12-mile climb up to 8000 feet elevation on Trail Creek Road. I felt good and had no nausea or lightheadedness. Several friends shouted encouragement as they passed me. Once I was over the summit, I bombed down the other side thanks to my mountain bike with wider tires and flat handlebars. 

Friend, Steve Cannon, passes me on the first climb of the day

Official photo of me climbing up Trail Creek.  I was slow but happy!

The first aid station was a bit chaotic with people yelling and cheering, bikers going different ways, and volunteers yelling directions. I asked which way to go and was directed left. It seemed like some people were going right but others were coming back. I couldn’t remember the actual course but assumed the people coming back must be doing the shorter course. I felt good so kept pedaling and made the second aid station (which was also the first time cut-off) with over 30 minutes to spare. I thought that station was at 43 miles, but my bike computer said 34 miles. That was weird but maybe I was remembering wrong? 

Aid Station 2 - Rebecca Rusch and volunteers cheer us on 

I stopped briefly to refuel and get water at the aid station and then headed out on the Copper Basin Loop. I was back and forth with a lot of the riders. I was much slower on the climbs but faster on the flats. We seemed to have a headwind no matter what direction we were going. And the temperature was rising. It was hard, but I was still having fun. Two friends, Christina and, later, Steve, passed me from behind on this section telling me I was doing great. I thought that was weird as they had passed me on the first climb, but I just thought they must have taken longer breaks at the aid stations. It was fun to see them out on the course. I didn’t think any more about it and kept riding.

Getting passed on a climb by Meg Fischer, paralympic cyclist, and her entourage of women bikers

After finishing the loop, we were back on the same course that we had headed out on. We had more headwinds but also a slight descent most of the way back to aid station one, which was also the last aid station. I stopped with several riders there for another break. A volunteer said it was only 15 more miles to the El Diabolito turn, the next time cut-off, and that we had two hours to get there. No problem! Except somehow the mileage wasn’t adding up right when I checked my Garmin. I figured that somehow my Garmin must have malfunctioned when coming down the canyon. I couldn’t make sense of it any other way. And it didn’t really matter. I needed to get back on my bike.

I made up some more time and got to the El Diabolito turnoff with over 45 minutes to spare. No need to chase time cutoffs any more. This 6-mile section was a rough double track. It was no problem on my mountain bike although others on skinnier tires without front suspension weren’t quite as happy. It was a much nicer way to climb up toward the pass and was less dusty with no car traffic. It was my favorite part of the ride. 

Making the turn onto the El Diabolito section. These volunteers were the best

El Diabolito was my favorite part of the route

Once we got back to the road, it was several more miles of a slow grinding up to the pass on tired legs. But I knew that once I was over the pass, the road improved and it would be a fast descent to the finish.

And it was. Another woman passed me on the descent, it was fun to watch how smooth and fast she was. But once the road leveled out a bit, I noticed I was catching her. Enough so, that I turned on the power and rode as hard as I could for the final three miles, passing and then finishing before her in 8 hours and 45 minutes. Afterward, I thanked her for being my carrot. And I felt good that I had enough in me to go hard and race the last bit. 

The final sweet 12-mile descent back to Ketchum

The official finish was two miles from the start at Festival Meadow (to keep racers from sprinting into town where there was more car traffic.) After passing under the arch at Festival Meadow and hitting the gong to announce my finish, Christina and Steve both came up to congratulate me. And then Colleen came over to talk.

Hitting the gong at the end of my race

“I was worried about you,” she said. “I missed the first cut-off by 15 minutes, and I never saw you. What happened?”

“What do you mean?” I replied. “You passed me up the first climb going strong. Of course, you wouldn’t have seen me again. But how did you not make the cutoff? I made it with 30 minutes to spare.”

I was confused until she started talking about an out-and-back section. Then it dawned on me. I totally forgot there was an 8-mile out-and-back section that took off from the first aid station. I should have turned right there. But it was not clearly marked and when volunteers told me to go left, I did. So, I hadn’t done the out-and-back. Now everything made sense. No wonder my mileage was off. No wonder people who were ahead of me ended up behind me. I’m such an idiot! I did find out later that at least one other woman made the same mistake but figured it out two miles down the road and turned around for four bonus miles. (If you're on Strava, you can see the race route HERE.)

Ah well. I went to the timers and told them so that they could disqualify me. I don’t think I’ve ever been DQ’d from a race before. I was a bit bummed, especially after feeling so good after the race. 

Minor Mishaps Can’t Derail a Great Trip

But did my DQ really matter? I had come to Idaho to get in some good training. I also got to see new places and make new friends. Eric got to ride on some new trails and was happy. And except for the one smoky day, the weather was great. Despite all our misadventures, the trip was a great success!

I doubt I will be back for Rebecca’s Private Idaho, but who knows? It would be nice to be an official finisher. RPI is a well-organized event and a lot of fun. I highly recommend it to any gravel racers. But be sure to acclimate if you want to race and look closely at the route so you don’t miss an important turn!

And if not the race, there are plenty of other places in the area to explore. Eric’s description of the mountain bike trails made them sound like a lot of fun. I’m sure we’ll be back. But hopefully we won’t have to visit The Trailhead Bicycles so many times! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Looking for Lael


post by Corrine

"Do you know Lael?!”

The young bicycle traveler at the Tok hostel was a bit taken aback by my enthusiasm, but he nodded yes. 

“She’s going to be coming by any moment!” I exclaimed. “You should get on your bike and go meet her and ride with her a bit!”

It was 9 PM and the man, Bryce, had just showered, but he immediately jumped on his bike to find her. 

After he took off, I decided I should ride with her a little, too. Just as I got my bike out of the car, they cycled past. I quickly threw on my helmet and raced as hard as I could to catch up. I rode about 5 miles before turning back for the night, letting Lael know that my friends and I would find her again tomorrow. I had already worked a full day and driven to Tok from Fairbanks. I wanted a good night’s sleep. I knew I would need it to keep up with Lael.

Around the World

Lael Wilcox is a 38-year-old endurance bikepack racer extraordinaire. She is well known in the small world of bikepacking. She has won many long distance self-supported bikepack races and had the women’s record for the Tour Divide race. (It was broken just last week) She hails from Anchorage, Alaska, although she and her wife Rue now live in Tucson, Arizona. I met Lael in 2016 when we hosted her prior to her racing the White Mountains 100 – a 100-mile multisport race just north of Fairbanks. We’ve kept in occasional touch since then, although the last time I saw her was when we incidentally met up while separately biking the Denali Park Road in 2020. 

Meeting up with Lael and Rue and Christina in Denali May 2020

Lael is trying to set the record as the fastest woman to cycle around the world. The record is 124 days. Her goal is 110 days. She started in Chicago on May 26 and has already biked through Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. She is averaging over 160 miles. Every. Single. Day. Except when she must take a plane flight to get across an ocean. I’ve been following her journey closely and early on I saw that she would bike through Tok, a small town just 220 miles southeast of Fairbanks, where I live. I hoped I might be able ride with her. But what were the odds she would go through Tok on my regular three-day weekend? 

The Alaska part of the route. The arrows show Fairbanks and Tok.

As she made her way across New Zealand, it looked like the timing might be right. I texted her and she said she was hoping to be in Tok on Friday morning. Perfect. I could leave after work on Thursday, spend the night in Tok, and ride with her on Friday. Then I could spend the rest of the weekend riding on different roads in the area to keep training for the Arkansas High Country Race in October.

I mentioned my plans to my WOW (Women on Wheels) friends, since I would miss our weekly ride. Lara and Hannah immediately said they wanted to come. A flurry of texts later and our plans were set. They would drive down later Thursday evening, but Hannah would come back home with me Saturday evening. Lara had to be at work Saturday morning so had to leave Friday night. (Although I did offer to write her a doctor’s excuse for work!)

WOW friends Hanna and Lara are up for an adventure

I got to Tok about 8 PM and checked Lael’s tracking page. She was about 10 miles south of town. I decided to go look for her before checking into my hostel. I found her and her wife Rue, a media journalist who is supporting Lael and documenting the journey. Even though it was 8 PM and Lael had already biked 150 miles, she felt good, so she was going to keep going and camp instead of stopping in Tok. I drove back to Tok to check into the hostel. That’s when I encouraged Bryce to find Lael.

I found them!

Back at the hostel, after our short ride with Lael, Bryce, said he was glad I encouraged him to ride with her. He couldn’t wait to let his mom know. She was closely following Lael’s journey and had mentioned they might pass each other. Bryce is on a long-distance solo bike tour from San Diego to Deadhorse. 

At nearly 11 PM, Lara and Hannah showed up at the hostel. Before turning off the lights, we checked Lael’s tracker, and she was STILL riding! She ended up riding 188 miles, going about 30 miles past Tok. 

An Entourage!

It was raining the next morning, so we packed our rain gear before heading out. Lael was already on the move. Like me, Lara and Hannah are big fans of Lael. They couldn’t wait to meet her. We excitedly piled into Lara’s truck to catch Lael.

Excited to look for Lael!

We finally passed her about forty miles from Tok. She was moving! We pulled into the gas station at Northway Junction a few miles ahead and barely had time to get on our bikes before she came by. We latched on and started riding and chatting. The rain had stopped, and the temps were warm for August in Interior Alaska. It was turning into a great day!

We finally pass Lael about 40 miles from our hostel

We were about 50 miles from the Canadian border, so we decided to ride with Lael into Canada (but before the border crossing) and turn back, making a nice century ride for us. But Lael was riding a lot faster than the evening before. I kept getting dropped on the uphills. I was able to catch back up on the downhills and flats, but I had to ride at a race pace. That worked for the first twenty miles, but I couldn’t keep it up. On a longer uphill, I let them go and backed off to my all-day pace. I wanted to talk more with Lael, but I knew she couldn’t slow down! And I was fine with riding alone. It was a beautiful day, the traffic was light, and I was just enjoying being on my bike. 

I let them go ahead while I drop back

Meanwhile, Lara and Hannah had no problems keeping up with Lael. They rode together and shared stories. They passed the US customs station and then cycled another 12 miles into the Yukon before Hannah and Lara decided to let Lael go. (The Canadian customs station is 20 miles from the US station.) They had biked 52 miles and still had to ride back. So, they waited for me at a scenic spot and then we biked back toward Northway and Lara’s truck. 

Lara, Lael, and Hannah cross the border

On the way back, I still could barely keep up. I’m sure it was because my friends were on road bikes, and I had my gravel bike. Or that I had already ridden over 150 miles that week. Or that I’m a lot older. Or maybe I’m just slow! Whatever the reason, I was slower so after getting through US Customs, I told them to go ahead without me.

Selfie at the border

They got a little separated, too, but we all had a pleasant ride back, even with the headwind and the rain showers that hit us the last 30 miles. Well, Lara’s ride was pleasant until she got a flat less than two miles from her truck. It was raining hard, the mosquitoes were bad, she had really cold hands, and she couldn’t get her tire off the rim. She thought about walking and carrying her bike, when a good Samaritan stopped and gave her a lift back to her truck. She still got in her century ride so didn’t feel bad about not doing the final two miles. We had dinner at Fast Eddy’s and then Lara headed home. 

Even the rain couldn't get us down

Now the Nabesna

Hannah and I had one more day to ride, so we drove to Slana to bike the Nabesna Road. Hannah had never been on it. I had, but it’s a fun gravel road with great views of the mountains and almost no traffic. 

The day was mostly cloudy, and the temps were cooler than the day before, but the rain stayed away. It felt like autumn. We drove in ten miles before starting to bike. I wanted to be sure we could get to the end of the road where the views are better. The road climbed slowly for about 15 miles before descending again. The mountain vistas were stunning even with low clouds. 

Several creeks cross the Nabesna Road. Sometimes they can run so high they are impassable even for trucks. Fortunately, they weren’t deep for us, but they were difficult to ride with skinnier gravel tires, though. Hannah even fell off her bike in one, so we just walked the rest and got wet feet. Well Hannah did. I was smart and wore my waterproof socks, so my feet were mostly dry. With age comes lessons from experience! 

Hannah checks to make sure her phone still works after falling in the stream

We made it to the end of the road, where we took a snack break before biking back. We stopped often to take photos. We kept commenting that it was a great day. We felt bad that Lara couldn’t be there. 

Rain finally did come, but we beat it back to the car, having ridden 61 miles. Luck continued to ride with us, and we made it to Tok just minutes before the Thai restaurant closed. We filled our bellies with good food before the four-hour drive home.

Tired but happy after a fun weekend riding bikes

A Small Part of History

It was a perfect weekend with great friends, and it was really fun to be a small part of Lael’s record attempt. You can follow her tracker here, and you can listen to her daily podcast Lael Bikes Around the World wherever you get your podcasts. If you are interested, I’m mentioned in episodes 75 and 76!